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Arduino based project free download

Arduino + OLED + Encoder Simple Menu System


Controling servo motors with buttons and arduino


Arduino 32x8 LED Matrix Info Display


Intersection with Traffic Lights


RFID Reader With LCD 1602


Automatic Attendance and Classroom Environmental Monitoring


Control an LED with the Remote Control


Control an LED with the Remote Control


Fire and Smoke Alarm


DHT11 Humidity + Temperature Sensor with 16x2 LCD display


Smartphone Controlled Arduino Car with Auto-Mode


Make Your Own Stopwatch With Arduino


Door Lock System with Arduino


Arduino And MQ2 Gas Sensor


RFID Based Smart Attendance System


DataTouch: Tangible Presentation

Compact 3D Printed Robotic Arm and Controller



Arduino Based Mini CNC 2D Plotter



Ultrasonic Radar with Arduino

  1. Bluetooth Controlled Car 


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